For warehouses, the soundness of pallet racking systems isn’t just a matter of efficiency – it’s a matter of safety. Here’s how you can avoid the common pitfalls of pallet racking failures, leveraging the innovative solutions provided by QTS products.

1. Forklift Accidents: A Collision Course with Risk

When a forklift, often operating in tight spaces, collides with a racking system, it might not immediately collapse. However, the structural integrity is compromised, risking future failures.

The solution:

Beyond training operators and ensuring spacious aisle designs, safeguarding products makes a difference. rackGUARDIAN™ Anti-collapse mesh is a powerful tool, that creates a protective shield against inadvertent forklift bumps or more significant collisions. If the anti-collapse mesh takes a bump from a forklift, it is much cheaper to replace these panels than a racking upright with little to no downtime.

2. Poor warehouse design

The design phase of a warehouse is imperative to its safety and functionality. A frequent error is failing to provide sufficient space between the aisles.

This means it is a tight squeeze for warehouse operators to squeeze pallets through. It can also make it difficult for them to load and unload the racking system. A narrow aisle increases the likelihood of an operator crashing into the racking system which can cause catastrophic damage.

The solution: 

Know exactly what you will be storing. This way you can design the space to accommodate any items that would cause difficulties.

3. Overloading: A Weighty Issue

Commonly associated with cause number 2, overloading of pallet racking bays through poor warehouse planning can cause catastrophic issues. Racks, while sturdy, have limits. Overloading them or placing items unevenly can strain the system.

The solution: 

It’s paramount to adhere to load guidelines. Yet, for an added layer of safety and efficiency, easySHELF™ Wire mesh decking can be integrated. It is specially designed to distribute weight more evenly and prevent smaller items from slipping through or causing an imbalance.

4. Inaccurate Bay Loading: Precarious Positioning

Incorrectly loading pallets in a storage bay might seem like a minor oversight, but its consequences can be significant. When a pallet isn’t seated correctly within its designated spot, the odds of it tumbling down increase manifold. This often leads to compromised stock integrity, not to mention the direct threat it poses to warehouse staff.

The solution: 

QTS has a robust set of solutions tailor-made for this challenge. To begin with, enhance the security of your shelving units by incorporating an upstand at the rear of the easySHELF™ mesh decks. This acts as a tangible guideline for loaders, ensuring that the pallet is positioned optimally every time.

For added precision, bring in the easyDIVIDER™ warehouse rack dividers. When pallets need to be placed within a specific segment of a larger bay, these dividers can play an instrumental role. By demarcating clear boundaries, they ensure that pallets are neither too left nor too right, ensuring balanced weight distribution.

Securing the Future with QTS Products

The integrity of your warehouse’s pallet racking systems is non-negotiable. As the above issues highlight, many factors can compromise this integrity. But with foresight, vigilance, and the right products, these challenges can be overcome.

QTS offers a range of solutions tailored to address these challenges head-on. From enhancing load distribution to providing protective barriers against accidental collisions, the tools are at your fingertips. It’s not just about preventing failures but enhancing overall efficiency and safety.

Are you ready to fortify your warehouse operations? Explore the full range of solutions offered by QTS, and take a proactive stance against pallet racking failures. With the right measures in place, you can ensure a smooth, safe, and productive warehouse operation.

Posted on 8 October 2021 in Opinion